City of Lakes Tai Chi


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Dragon Festival Demonstration from City of Lakes Tai Chi on Vimeo.
FEMA Iaido Club and City of Lakes Tai Chi
(5 section Yang style sword and 2 person)
07-13-2008 @ Lake Phalen

2008 City of Lakes Tai Chi Summer Party from Han Kim on Vimeo.

COLTC Summer Gathering
Brookview Park, Golden Valley, MN
June 23rd
City of Lakes Tai Chi Single Whip
Heralded as the best Tai Chi Party of the summer, there was a run through the 108 long form, glorious amounts of food and drink, and good times for all.  Thanks to Leonard for organizing the details.  more pictures

The City of Lakes Tai Chi Group
Welcomed Back
Jan Parker
April 20th - 22nd
Jan Parker with the City of Lakes Tai Chi Group

37 Postures Seminar
What do white crane, high pat on horse and step back to ride the tiger have in common? How about ward off, part the wild horses mane, and diagonal flight? While the Yang Style contains 108 moves, the oldest Tai Chi documents describe 37 postures that serve as the basis for the traditional routine.

Chinese New Year Celebration
Joint Demo City of Lakes Tai Chi - FEMA, 02/11/2007

COLTC members Tom Cannon and John Zietlow perform 2 person sword form

Complete martial demo including COLTC members Tom Cannon and John Zietlow performing 2 person sword form, Kung Fu by FEMA's Anna Ferguson, Tai Chi free form by FEMA's Naomi Munzner, and short free style push hands (even with audio malfunction:).